Struggling to stay on task in your home office? A collaborative work space or dedicated office rental might be the solution you need to escape the distractions that come with working from home.

While working from home has many benefits, many people who work in these settings often find themselves tired of the constant interruptions that can occur in a home office. Dedicated work spaces are designed to minimize unwanted distractions, allowing you to focus on work and increase your productivity.

The Top Seven Home Office Distractions a Collaborative Work Space Can Solve

Everybody is different, and a noise one person finds distracting might not even prompt notice from someone else. In general, the seven most common distractions that all home office workers face at some point or another are:

1. Family and Pets

As much as we love our families, they can often be a substantial source of distraction while working from home. Children needing attention, a partner asking for help, the dog barking, or your cat walking across your keyboard can disrupt your workflow, making it challenging to stay focused.

In a coworking space or dedicated office, it’s much easier to set clear boundaries between work and home life, creating a dedicated environment where you can concentrate on your tasks without constant family interruptions.

2. Daily Tasks

There’s usually always something in your house that needs to be done, and the sight of dirty dishes, piles of laundry, or dusty surfaces can tempt you to take a break from work to tackle these tasks. While it might feel productive to get these chores done, it often comes at the expense of your professional productivity.

When you are in a collaborative work environment, these household distractions are left behind, allowing you to dedicate your time solely to work.

3. Noisy Neighbors

Unfortunately, we can’t control our neighbors and the noise they make, which can be especially challenging if they are being noisy when you need to focus and get work done. Loud conversations, music, construction, vehicles, yard work, or other disturbances can significantly impact your ability to concentrate and maintain a productive work environment.

Using a dedicated work space allows you to get your work done in a more controlled and quieter atmosphere that is specifically designed to minimize noise and distractions.

4. Personal Phone Calls

When working from the comfort of your own home, there’s nothing much to hold you back from answering personal phone calls and engaging in lengthy conversations.

In a collaborative work space, the professional atmosphere and presence of other focused individuals encourage you to limit personal phone calls and prioritize work-related communication.

5. Technology and Social Media

Technology can be highly distracting in a home office environment, especially for people who naturally struggle to stay on task. Personal devices like smartphones, tablets, and smart home gadgets can pull you away from your work with constant notifications, social media updates, and non-work-related apps.

Being in a coworking space or similar environment helps you stay focused and avoid habits like mindless scrolling or checking social media notifications when you’re supposed to be working.

6. Unexpected House Guests

Unexpected house guests can be a wonderful surprise—when you’re not working. When they arrive during your work hours, it can be challenging to say no to socializing, which can easily derail your focus and productivity. Distractions like this can be impossible to predict, making it difficult to maintain a consistent workflow.

By working in a dedicated office space, you create a clear separation between work and home, reducing the likelihood of such interruptions and allowing you to stay focused on your professional responsibilities.

7. Isolation and Lack of Social Interaction

Believe it or not, being isolated and having a lack of social interaction can actually lead you to become more distracted by non-work-related activities. A healthy amount of social interaction while working can enhance creativity and improve overall productivity.

One of the many benefits of a coworking space is the opportunity to interact with other professionals, share ideas, and gain new perspectives, all of which can enhance your workday.

Boost Productivity While Surrounded by Like-Minded Professionals in a Collaborative Work Space

Collaborative office spaces like e|spaces provide a quiet, focused work environment with minimal distractions, reliable high-speed internet, and a variety of amenities, including 24/7 access, fully stocked cafes, conference phones, and more! Streamline your workday in a professional working environment that separates work life from home life so you can stay on track to success.

Check out an e|spaces location near you to experience the benefits of a collaborative work space or dedicated office space first-hand, and take your productivity to the next level.